We use 100% Organic Natural High-Frequency Fabrics — Because what we wear has the power to heal or harm.
The Fabric Transparency Revolution is here.
The Human Body has a Frequency of ~ 100mHz
100% Linen ~ 5000mHz
Linen: Frequency ~ 5000mHz.
Made from flax fibers cultivated without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
Season: Warmer Weather
Note: Strangely when a body wore both Linen & Wool at the same time, the frequency went to zero. Do not combine Linen & Wool. Wear 100% Pure fabrics on their own.
100% Wool ~ 5000mHz
Wool: Frequency ~ 5000mHz.
Derived from flax fibers cultivated naturally.
Season: Cooler Weather
Note: Strangely when a body wore both Linen & Wool at the same time, the frequency went to zero. Do not combine Linen & Wool. Wear 100% Pure fabrics on their own.
100% Hemp ~ 110mHz
Hemp is the most sustainable Choice. It is pesticide free.
Like Linen, Hemp carries no static charge. Meaning it’s literally grounding to wear it. Linen is strong, but Hemp is even stronger! Hemp is the most durable of natural fibers: 3.3X more durable than cotton. The extended life of hemp means that if everyone wore it, we could reduce by one third the resources needed to clothe the planet. Linen is UV resistant, Hemp is UV resistant. Linen is bacteria and mould resistant, and so is hemp.
100% Organic Cotton ~ 110mHz
Organic Cotton: Frequency ~ 110mHz.
Grown without synthetic pesticides.
Season: Any Season. All year.
Conventional Cotton ~ 40 to 70 mHz
Conventional (Non-organic) Cotton, bleached and dyed ~ 40 to 70 mHz
Season: Any Season. All year.
100% Silk ~ 15mHz
Silk, despite its luxurious reputation, measured at a surprisingly low frequency of ~ 15mHz
This discrepancy may be attributed to modern processing techniques involving chemicals, which could diminish its natural resonance.
Traditional sericulture involves feeding silkworms or silk moths mulberry leaves, which demands significant resources like water, land, and energy. Chemical usage, including pesticides and insecticides, is common in silk production, and ethical concerns arise as silkworms are often killed during harvesting. While non-violent or peace silk methods exist, they are not widely adopted.
Additionally, limited availability of sustainable options and the energy-intensive processing of silk contribute to its environmental footprint. Efforts are underway to enhance silk sustainability, but it currently lags behind alternatives like organic cotton, linen, or hemp in terms of environmental and ethical considerations.
Synthetics: Polyester, Rayon, Nylon, Spandex ~ Zero mHz
Polyester, Rayon, Nylon, Spandex: Frequency ~ 15mHz.
Crafted from polyurethane synthetics involving petrochemicals.
Polyester: Frequency ~ 10mHz.
Made from petroleum and melted plastic pallets.
Note: We recommend reducing these fabrics as much as possible, or wearing 95% Organic Cotton & 5% Synthetic blends for performance, sweat-wicking technology.

High-Vibration & Low-Vibration Fabrics
The Toxic Synthetic Chemicals in our Clothing
Every week, the news labels a different consumable products “bad for your health.” This trend can be seen in our food, medicine, and drinking water. All of which have been described as riddled with carcinogens, hormonal endocrine disruptors, forever chemicals and toxins.
Unsurprisingly, all these harmful chemicals can be found within our wardrobes and throughout the textile, clothing & fashion industry.

High-Vibration & Low-Vibration Fabrics.
Every pore on your body is eating your clothing.
The difference between High Vibration vs. Low Vibrational Fabrics & how they impact our mind, body & soul — is Night & Day.
Polyester, Rayon & Nylon are all synthetic materials. Essentially, you're wearing plastic — which has a very low vibration, harmful to your health.

High-Vibration & Low-Vibration Fabrics.
Every pore on your body is eating your clothing.
On the other end of the spectrum, Natural materials like Linen, Hemp, Cotton, Silk, Wool & Cashmere have a much higher vibration.
So, by choosing what you put on your body, you can literally raise your vibration.
Ironically, many yoga clothes — think Lululemon or Alo — where we often discuss these significant spiritual principles of higher consciousness — are often contributing to environmental destruction.

Sweating in Synthetics: Absorbing Chemical Toxins
Most athleisure clothing (including Alo, Nike, and The North Face) is shown to contain BPA, a toxic chemical used in plastic manufacturing. BPA has been found in polyester/spandex fabric blends.
Chemical testing of yoga pants from popular brands like Athleta and Lululemon reveal the presence of PFAS, toxic chemicals also found in many personal care products and non-stick pans.
PFAs are a broad class of chemicals used for water and stain repellency that have been linked to developmental delays, cancer, and infertility. They also last forever and never biodegrade, traveling through our water systems and on the ocean currents to the remotest corners of the earth.
This raises questions like: Are the chemical residues in the fabric absorbed into the skin?
What environmental consequences result from disposing of the chemicals used for fabric processing?

It's not just Fast Fashion, Many Luxury Brands use synthetics.
The Center for Environmental Health in California has found high levels of the hormone-disruptor BPA in socks and sports bras sold by dozens of global fashion brands.
Meanwhile, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation tested 38 pieces of children’s clothing tested from ultra-fast-fashion brands including Shein, and found that one in five had elevated levels of toxic chemicals like lead (often used in dyes and paints to brighten them), PFAS (used for stain and water repellency), and phthalates (potent hormone-disrupting chemicals used to make plastics pliable).

It's all smoke & mirrors
The Lack of Transparency in the Fashion Industry
According to Fashion Revolution’s 2023 Transparency Index, only half of the 250 largest fashion brands publish a restricted substance list, the very first (and easiest) step toward managing the use of toxic substances in a brand’s supply chain. It’s not just a fast fashion problem, either. A number of luxury brands are also doing close to nothing to tackle chemical safety.
Considering the intimate relationship we have with our clothes, this is shocking. But given the total lack of transparency from the industry (clothing does not come with an ingredient list after all) consumers have no way to protect themselves from toxic fashion.
The demand is simple: Let’s get rid of all the harmful chemicals in our clothes, and urgently — replacing them with 100% Natural Fabrics — The way nature & our ancestors intended.

High-Vibration & Low-Vibration Fabrics.
Textiles, PFAs & Volatile Chemicals in our clothing.
There are about 8000 synthetic chemicals that are used in the apparel industry manufacturing process, from material acquisition to the finished product. Since we cannot cover every chemical and its function, this article will focus on the most common and deleterious substances. These include, but are not limited to, flame retardants, Polyfluorinated substances (PFAS)*, lead & chromium, phthalates, chlorine bleach, AZO dyes, and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)+such as formaldehyde.

High-Vibration & Low-Vibration Fabrics
Reading Fabric & Nutrition Labels are equally important.
More importantly, the health implications of these substances are vast in range, and volume, as approximately 25% of global chemical output originates from the textile industry.
Since textiles comprise a significant part of our world, and we are in contact with textiles all day, every day, safety and confidence in these products are vital.

Fabrics That support your health
What does “frequency” mean in regards to clothing?
Energy, light, and matter all exist on a vibrational continuum. This is a concept grounded in bioenergetics, meaning everything vibrates at its own unique frequency — which can influence our the energy of our mind-body-spirit.
Everything in the universe, from the air we breathe to the clothes we wear, is composed of atoms that vibrate at different speeds. This vibration is what we refer to as frequency. Although a large part of these frequencies lies beyond the scope of human perception, frequencies can be measurable and scientifically verifiable.

Fabrics That support your health
The Human Body has a Frequency of 100.
The study indicates that the frequency of a healthy human body rests at 100. When the frequency decreases below 100, it could imply a disruption in the body's natural balance, potentially leading to various physical and psychological symptoms.
The Highest Frequency Fabrics are:
Linen: Frequency ~ 5000mHz
Wool: Frequency ~ 5000mHz
Organic Cotton: Frequency ~ 110mHz
Hemp ~ 110mHz
The Highest Frequency Fabrics are:
Polyester, Rayon, Spandex, Nylon: Frequency ~ 15mHz
Throughout millennium, human beings have been aware of other energy fields/frequencies which aren’t visible to the naked eye, or measurable by current scientific devices. The human body — functioning optimally — is a highly attuned extrasensory instrument, far more perceptive to spectrums of energy than our most advanced technology.

Microplastics, Tight Clothing & Declining Fertility.
Further, it raises the following questions:
Can microplastics be absorbed by the skin? Studies now show they have found them in human fetuses & reproductive organs.
Also, are the other toxic chemicals used in synthetic fabrics be absorbed through the skin?

Microplastics, Tight Clothing & Declining Fertility.
Can working out in plastic fabric (Ex: Lululemon sports bras, Yoga pants) cause increased exposure to the fabric’s chemicals and microplastics, due to increased moisture and heat?
Yes, yes & yes.
Quite an alarming concern, as most people are wearing these plastics on a daily basis & Athleisure has become the norm to sweat in. Tight, polyester clothing is the real epidemic, in addition to toxic foods.

Endocrine Disruptors
Fertility & Endocrine Disruptors
Another caveat: Low vibrational fabrics also disrupt your Endocrine system — Thyroid — Metabolism.
We already have enough endocrine systems in modern living: from make-up, to cleaning products, fragrances, feminine hygiene products such as tampons & more. The cherry on top of the cake is synthetic fabrics, disrupting natural Chi flow & permeating into the skin.

Marine Microplastic Pollution
The Water Supply Contaminated with Microplastics
When we wear fabrics like Polyester, rayon & nylon we’re essentially wearing plastic. These synthetic fabrics are shown to shed microplastics into the water supply when laundered.
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, plastics comprise approximately 60% of all materials sourced for clothing production, which includes Polyester, Acrylic & Nylon textiles.
These synthetic fabrics are lightweight, durable, affordable & flexible.
Here's the environmental catch: every time they're washed, they shed tiny plastic fibers called microfibers, a form of microplastics up to five millimeters in size.
Scientists estimate that textiles produce 35% of the microplastic pollution in the world's oceans, making them the most significant known source of marine microplastic pollution.

What Customers should look for
How can I stay safe?
We should be checking fabric labels just as much as we are checking nutritional labels.
When looking at your wardrobe, seek materials, fabrics, and dyes that are considered natural (100% linen, cotton, wool, silk, cashmere) rather than synthetic materials.
Ideally, the composition would be 100% of a single fabric (Ex: 100% Cotton is far superior to 70% Cotton and 30% Silk, because in the fabric combination, both vibrations cancel each other out, going against the healing frequencies of nature).
Check for third-party certification standards such as the Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the EU Ecolabel, Cradle-to-Cradle, or the Bluesign® certification.

Our everyday luxury solutions
High-Frequency Fabrics & The Healing Process.
When we understand that all physical matter has different vibrational qualities, we can ask, "Is it possible that these different vibrations have positive or negative effects on our health?"
It's only a matter of time before this becomes the standard — just like our ancestors lived.

Our everyday luxury solutions
Luxurious, Healing & Restful Sleep
The high frequencies of fabrics like linen & wool bring energy to the human body & support the body’s healing process.
This is why there have been studies done reporting the "best nights sleep" in 100% Linen sheets. Don't believe me? Make the switch & see for yourself. Pure luxury. Not to mention the health benefits.
If your sleep can be altered so drastically — Think about what you wear on a 24/7 basis. This is why 100% Natural Fabrics are revolutionary to your Holistic Health.

high-frequency summer fabric
Linen: The High-Frequency Healer
Linen fabric, as ancient as civilization itself, is the standout fabric with a staggering frequency of 5,000. This is significantly higher than the human body's frequency, which averages around 100.
Linen's high-frequency suggests energy-boosting properties to promote vitality & elevated well-being.
Historically, linen has been revered for its healing properties, often used in bandages, linen sheets and clothing for its natural resistance to bacterial growth and fungi.

Wool: The Warm Embrace of High Frequency
Similar to linen — Wool resonates at a high frequency of ~ 5000mHz
Renowned for its warmth and comfort, wool's high frequency suggests more than just physical warmth; it could also energise the wearer on a vibrational level.
It is important to note: When linen and wool are worn together, their frequencies nullify, plummeting to zero due to their opposing energy flows.
We do not recommend blends like Linen & Wool — because Nature intended linen to be worn in summer, wool in winter. When combined they cancel each other's high-frequency to zero.

Organic Cotton: Harmonizing with the Body
Organic cotton stands out with a frequency of 100, mirroring the human body's frequency. This harmony suggests a natural sync with our bodies, making organic cotton a comfortable and potentially health-supportive choice. Its non-organic counterpart, with a lower frequency of about 70, lacks this vibrational alignment.

Hemp: The Sustainable Choice
Like organic cotton, hemp mirrors the human body at an impressive frequency of 100. The difference is, however, that hemp has far more environmental benefits over all other natural fibers - including linen. Hemp is the most sustainable, being carbon-negative, pesticide-free and soil-enriching. In fact, hemp shares many properties of linen: it is non-static, UV-resistant, antibacterial & long wearing.
Hemp is the front runner if all natural fibers including linen. Firstly, hemp plants require less water and fewer pesticides and herbicides to grow compared to linen and cotton, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

100% Natural Fabrics & The Fashion Industry.
Now, let's consider the implications. Low-vibrational fabrics, such as polyester, are associated with fast fashion brands that prioritize disposability over durability.
Supporting these brands perpetuates environmental disregard and compromises your own vibrational essence.
Instead, opt for sustainable, all-organic fashion. Buy Less — Choose Well. Brands in this industry prioritize high-quality, long-lasting garments & genuinely care about your well-being as a person.
By choosing a sustainable, conscious & intentional lifestyle, you align yourself with a higher vibrational frequency & contribute to a healthier planet — A healthier & more elevated version of you.
Easy, Breezy, Effortless Luxury, Silk, Spice & Everything Nice — Naturalist Inc.